20.04.2024 Forum International penal law: In times of war law is not silent

The Forum International penal law “In times of war law is not silent. The international criminal court at 25” takes place at 20 April 2024, 09.00–13.00, at Pavillon des Fleurs, Kurhaus Meran.

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First part, 09.00–11.00 (with simultaneous translation DE-IT)

Opening: Cuno Tarfusser



Karim A.A. Khan KC (Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, The Hague)
Giuseppe Nesi (Professor of International Law, University of Trento, UN International Law Commission)
Astrid Reisinger-Coracini (Professor of International Criminal Law, University of Vienna)
Rosario Salvatore Aitala (Vice-President and Judge at the International Criminal Court, The Hague)

– Coffee break –

Second part, 11.30–13.00 (with simultaneous translation DE-IT)

Panel discussion „International Law: a duel with words rather than swords“

Karim A.A. Khan KC, Rosario Salvatore Aitala, Cuno Tarfusser – Katharina Gächter (University of Innsbruck), Arne Malisius (Free University Bozen-Bolzano), Lisang Nyathi (University of Trento)

Moderation: Odette Pires (Public information officer, ICC, The Hague)